Third, speed up economic reconstruction. 第三,要抓紧经济重建。
Along with everybody else, I admire the political and economic reconstruction of Germany after the second world war and again after unification, the commitment to economic stability and its first-class manufactured exports. 德国在二战后和两德统一后都进行了政治和经济上的重建,努力保持经济稳定,致力于出口世界一流的制造业产品。我与其他所有人一样对此表示钦佩。
Economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production. 这个国家的经济复兴必须从恢复农业生产开始。
The global economy in post financial crisis era will feature as slower growth, economic rebalancing, economic reconstruction and governance mechanism reform. 后危机时代的全球经济将呈现经济增长放缓、经济再平衡、经济格局重构和治理机制改革等新特征。
With the development of China's economic reconstruction, China's laws on tort will be further perfected. 随着经济建设的发展,中国在侵权方面的法律将得到进一步完善。
Showing the will of an economic reconstruction. 表明了经济重组的意愿。
The World Bank and IMF originated in planning for post – World War II economic reconstruction, and there is broad agreement that their mandates need rethinking. 世界银行和IMF提出了二战后全球经济复兴计划,毋庸置疑他们需要反思一下。
We should respond to new developments in Afghanistan, strengthen security cooperation with Afghanistan, help Afghan security forces build capacity, and play a bigger role in promoting national reconciliation and economic reconstruction in Afghanistan. 我们要应对好阿富汗局势,加强同阿富汗安全合作,帮助阿富汗安全力量加强能力建设,在促进阿富汗实现民族和解和经济重建过程中发挥更大作用。
The Economic Reconstruction and its Historic Action Made by Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty 隋文帝的经济改革及其历史作用
The Completion of Nanning-Kunming Railroad and the Economic Reconstruction of the People along this Railroad: An Investigation Report 南昆铁路建成与沿线人口经济格局重组的调研报告
Economic fluctuation and agricultural production during the process of our economic reconstruction 我国经济转轨时期的经济波动与农业
Economic Reconstruction and Cultural Interaction 经济建设与文化互动问题&南昆铁路建设及其沿线少数民族社会文化变迁考察简要报告与讨论
The thesis expounds systematically the army's Role in the South economic Reconstruction. 本文系统论述了军队在美国南方经济重建中所起的作用。
It is the necessity of urban social economic development to reconstruction of the old town. 旧城区拆迁改建是城市社会经济发展的必然要求。
Two of them were principal: one, economic reconstruction and sovereign rehabilitation, and the other, struggle for German reunification. 该政策有两大目标:经济重建和恢复主权,争取实现国家统一。在这两大目标实现的过程中,经济因素是一个不可忽视的重要因素。
The thesis also analyzed and researched the strategic distribution of economic development and reconstruction and optimization of the structure of production of Chaoyang city. 本文还对朝阳市经济发展战略布局与产业结构的调整和优化进行了分析研究。
Strengthening government's macroscopic planning and guide in economic structure reconstruction, network infrastructure construction, information and network market opening and law environment; 二是政府要在重构经济结构、网络基础设施建设、信息与网络市场开放、法制环境等方面加强宏观规划与指导;
Language, as an indispensable tool that people use to communicate with each other in society, in order to play its proper role in economic reconstruction, deserves the special attention paid by the linguistic researchers. 语言作为人们生活工作须臾不可或缺的交际工具,如何在经济建设中发挥应有的作用,是每个语言工作者应该关注的问题。
The Economic Reconstruction of Semi-continuous Bar Rolling Mills 红钢半连续棒材轧机的经济型改造
Some Issues Concerning Economic Restoration and Reconstruction in Post-War China 战后初期中国经济恢复与重建的若干问题
The Prepartion and Difficulties of the Economic Reconstruction in Palestine 巴勒斯坦经济重建的准备与困难
Analysis of Economic Benefit of Reconstruction Heat Supply System by Inventer Technology 利用变频技术改造供热系统的经济效益分析
Therefore the thesis intends to reveal the position and function of language in economic activities through exposing the relationship between them, and hopes to impel language to serve economic reconstruction more subjectively and actively. 因而文章拟通过对语言和经济关系的阐述揭示语言在经济生活中的地位和作用,以期使语言能更自觉、更主动地为经济建设服务。
After World War ⅱ, due to the shortage of population, national defense and security and economic reconstruction of Australia were not going well. 第二次世界大战后,由于人口短缺,澳大利亚的国家防务安全和战后经济重建均无法顺利开展。
At this point, the French nationalist petition of the situation faces the more sinister. After National security and economic reconstruction of national aspirations repeatedly facing difficulties, it is failure of traditional national interests and safeguard measures. 此时,法国民族主义诉求面临的形势则险恶的多,民族国家安全及经济重建诉求屡屡面临困境,传统民族利益维护办法失效。
Hydraulic engineering immigration is a regional economic society system reconstruction activities, is a huge economic and social systems engineering, is a regional economic restructuring process, is an arduous, complicated and long-term work. 水利水电工程移民是一项区域经济社会系统重建的活动,是巨大的社会经济系统工程,是一个地区经济结构重组的过程,是一项艰巨、复杂、长期性的工作。
After that, revive the tourism economy has become an important issue for the economic reconstruction of Sichuan Province after the earthquake. Around the issue and with the actual situation in the earthquake affected areas, a plan about development of earthquake tourism was proposed. 之后,重振旅游经济便成为了四川省震后经济重建的一项重要课题,围绕这一课题结合震区的实际情况,一套发展地震遗址旅游的方案被提出。
Russia embarked on a late 20th century from a planned economy to a market economy, the road through the privatization of state-owned economic transformation and reconstruction of economic management system, establish the institutional framework of market economy. 20世纪末叶俄罗斯走上了从计划经济向市场经济转轨的道路,通过对国有经济进行私有化改造和重建经济管理体制,建立起了市场经济的制度框架。
With rapid technological change, economic globalization, reconstruction of industrial structure and occupational structure, the apprenticeship system will be abundant in meaning and connotation. 在高科技迅速发展、经济全球化趋势、产业结构和职业结构日益变化的今天,学徒制富有更广泛的内涵和意义。
As a result of economic and social reconstruction, the so-called global urbans have resulted in serious space difference. 由于经济社会的重构,那些所谓全球城市出现了严重的空间差异。